Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Medicare Drug Plan Criticized As Very Unfair

Medicare does it again under President Bush as he said he would he has now made the cost of the Medicare Drug plan cost lots, and LOTS more.

They state incorrectly that there is assistance for low income people. As one of those people let me be clear: The assistance is only for those who's gross income is less then 150% of the poverty level. There are no adjustments for COL or Rent etc, to get assistance you have to be in poverty no matter what your drug bill will be for a given period.
As an example I miss the target level by less then $100 per month and have a drug expense of
over $500. per month -- still no assistance. You can die to try to go to an ER every week.

That's right no exception for life saving drugs or pain medication nothing just one specific dollar amount.

God I pray president-elect Obama will help us, sooner then later.

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