Thursday, February 19, 2009

E P A Gets Tough, A Good Thing!!

Is it not great to see the White House and the 
EPA getting tough and adding more regulations 
that have been none exsistant for the past 8 
years.  So since there has been no regulations 
for 8 years now your going to think that there 
are to many, this due to severe lack of attention.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bush Staff Assails Obama

The link is from the WASHINGTON POST and I strongly suggest after reading the article you make a point of reading the comments.

The Washington Post has outstanding Comments on most articles and they make for very interesting reading and as a blog there is much cross discussion as folks quote someone Else's comment and further comment on the original.  As I said most interesting.

The Washington Post web page is: 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Stress, Taxes, & Cigarettes. Another Hit.

The State Children’s Health Insurance Program has been signed into law, and with it yet another tax per pack of cigarettes. {Don't get me wrong this is an excellent law, the manner in which it is being funded is another matter entirely!}


But the way this Bill will be paid for is totally wrong - yet another tax on those of us who choose to smoke.  An addittional tax during such a bad economic time and those who are smokers and are out fighting to find a job and all the other related stress and smoking, like it or not, helps relieve stress.  Should you say see a doctor and "take a pill" have any of you tried to get a doctor to wright a script for stress -- get real because the doctor will say no.

A little compassion in these times would really be nice, instead of yet another kick in the ass!! or should I have said mouth.

Monday, February 2, 2009

An LGBT Inaugration Ball

To those of you who were lucky enough to be there, congratulations for the thoughts and memories that will for ever be special and a start we hope of a new step in LGBT Relations with the White House.

Add to this the listing of may important issues that President Obama has gone so far as to officially list in the official White House Web Site.