Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Health Care The Number One Threat

Be sure you write to with you Health Care concerns and problems with the Insurance Companies.

I will be writing my own blog on my own horrific troubles shortly.

Blair House: No Vacancy Mr Obama

President-elect Obama and family have to move into the Hayes Adams hotel until the 15th of January since President Bush says Blair House is not available until the (scheduled / required) 15th of January.

This op-ed which is well worth a read and the attached comments are ten times worth being read. I take liberty to quote one here, but there are many.

I gladly join these people in asking the media to find out the who, what, and why of BLAIR HOUSE not being available per Mr Bush for the Obama family. When you consider the importance to his children who start school and have to be in DC.

The bigger story is - who is staying at the Blair House and
why are they more important than the President-Elect and his family? If the
current lame duck prez & his family are STILL important although very much
irrelevant at this time - then why are the Obamas not as important considering
they are MORE relevant than the sitting president?
NYT - do a little digging.
Who is at Blair House? Why are they so important to be there at this time? Other
incoming presidents have moved in earlier in previous years. Obama’s request is
In my opinion, this just comes to show America how much of a mistake
Bush has been even up to the very last minute. The best day will be when we do
not have to have him anywhere near the WH again!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Hold Bush Responsible for the Damage

When Mr. Bush officially takes his leave in three weeks (in reality, he checked out long ago), most Americans will be content to sigh good riddance. I disagree. I don’t think he should be allowed to slip quietly out of town. There should be a great hue and cry — a loud, collective angry howl, demonstrations with signs and bullhorns and fiery speech

read more | digg story

Monday, December 29, 2008

Barak: Israel in 'all-out war' with Hamas

Israel is in "all-out war" with Hamas, the nation's defense minister said Monday as Israeli jets continued to hammer targets in Gaza and the Palestinian death toll reportedly topped 300.

read more | digg story

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Rezko attorney 'owns' Obama mansion

explains how others have the house deed in their names and tax records are also in Rezko employees names, Obama people refuse to comment--the guy is shady here also

read more | digg story

Saturday, December 20, 2008

A Christmas Present for the Gay Family

This is almost a Christmas present for the Gay and gay friendly family. With the Honorable Attorney General of California. taking our side against Prop 8.
Needless to say he will also be on our side on the annulment issue of those currently married!!
The far right must be just screaming. hehehe

Auto Bailout

Someone needs to clarify the term SHAREHOLDERS. I do not think that that means only stock holders.
One of if not the largest problem for the auto makers is the Auto Union. Getting paid 90+% of your wage during a lay off - get real. Glad to see the Auto Bank (sic) is suspended is a good move for today. But it has to go. All the Auto Union persons should by insurance, like Aflac.

Is there another industry that has such an unfair benefit.......Think people you are paying their wages/salary in the price of a car and when you add all the benefits that comes close to $70.00 per hour or a one week layoff costs $2,800.00; The month off well just a truffle more $12,040. [TWELVE THOUSAND AND FORTY DOLLARS] per month per person who is part of the union. Just think of that cost burden.

Those of you in management you would not have a job if you wrote a Purchase Order for that at your firm would you??

Additional information can be found in this article:

U. S. A. Declairs War On Global Warming

These very strongly background ed people mean that our President-elect is going to take Science, Technology, and Global warming on head on!! Further it will not be on the back burner as President Bush kept all sciences; often what was reported was twisted or just an out right item of misinformation.

More Information at these links:

"Today, more than ever before, science holds the key to our survival as a
planet and our security and prosperity as a nation,” the president-elect says.
“It’s time we once again put science at the top of our agenda and worked to
restore America’s place as the world leader in science and technology.”

CHICAGO – Seeking to draw a distinction with President George W. Bush, Barack
Obama named his top science and technology advisers Saturday and pledged to
“once again put science at the top of our agenda.”

The president-elect campaigned on a promise of treating science differently
than Bush, whose administration was criticized by scientists as ignoring
research and distorting facts suit its own ends.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Move To Annul Gay Marriage In California STINKS!!

Well is not this a wonderful Christmas present from the idiots of the far right. To hell with them. The Attorney General said thos already married are valid. Will the State take the side of the gay's or change hats and join the wrong right.

Gays Should State Their Displeasure

All gays and those that feel offended with our President-Elect's choice for the Inauguration speech should be sure to voice there displeasure if polled by any Polling firm. Obama needs to really hear our displeasure; where it hurts. In his polling numbers let him know we are a number to be counted.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


What the Hell. Was our President-Elect NOT thinking.

Let's pray this is why he made this uncaring move. And not that he is suddenly anti gay.

No we are not making a mountain out of a mole hill, thank you very much!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Arizona Is It A Lost Cause???

When are the do nots like Arizona going to get their act together and help our country be ready. But then Arizona is all ways last in all the polls - it is disgusting, for a state who has the 5th largest city and a [now] republican government.

Am I griping you bet I am. I am also an Arizona resident, since 1965, as well as a registered voter. I have over time lost count of how many letters I have written to both the State and Federal government asking us to improve. To no avail!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Medicare Drug Plan Criticized As Very Unfair

Medicare does it again under President Bush as he said he would he has now made the cost of the Medicare Drug plan cost lots, and LOTS more.

They state incorrectly that there is assistance for low income people. As one of those people let me be clear: The assistance is only for those who's gross income is less then 150% of the poverty level. There are no adjustments for COL or Rent etc, to get assistance you have to be in poverty no matter what your drug bill will be for a given period.
As an example I miss the target level by less then $100 per month and have a drug expense of
over $500. per month -- still no assistance. You can die to try to go to an ER every week.

That's right no exception for life saving drugs or pain medication nothing just one specific dollar amount.

God I pray president-elect Obama will help us, sooner then later.