Thursday, October 23, 2008

No cavalry coming for McCain


I have read very few articles directly dealing with Senator McCain (who I now call McSlime) since he named Governor Palin his VP choice. But this Politico article's title (No Cavalry Coming For McCain) made it a must read. Further to that end I have posted this article to every Web / Social site that I am a member of, eg., Digg, Mixx, StumbleUpon, etc.

This quote from the article was well cool. "“Republican donors, at the end of day, aren’t stupid,” said another Republican familiar with third-party activities this cycle. “They’re not going to throw good money after bad.""

I was so relived to read that the McCain campaign and the GOP are both thought to have lost any chance of magic funding to try to really go after Senator Barrak Obama. What were they going to dig up, is just more of the same. I am sure it would have been further slanted, twisted and made to be no longer an event of the past, but now a slur or an lie with their degree of twisting the facts.

Speaking of facts the McCain campaign, the GOP and to a much lesser degree the Obama campaign, and the DNC have given organizations like Fact Check dot org and others a whole new lease or tenure on life. The problem here is that not enough of the every day public read them; let alone on a daily basis. Nor has the everyday media given these reports sufficient play. Sorry I am drifting off point.

Bottom line I read THIS article completely and felt so much better, knowing that both McCain and the GOP were not going to grab hold of a suddenly appearing magic wand. That I in fact slept very well last night.

Thank you - Politico

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